Hello and welcome to standard poster sizes! 🙂
My goal for this website is to provide you with as many resources on the subject of standard poster sizes as possible so your projects and your advertisements can be properly created.
I will provide you with detailed information on measurements and standards by country as I research it and will update this site as new developments come out.
There is no global standard committee on poster sizes so much of this information is subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt dependent on your printer, country, and knowledge.
If you would like to ask a question feel free to use the comments or if you would personally like to get in touch with me feel free to shoot me an e-mail.
info -at- standardpostersizes.com
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Om mig- Vlad Stekchev. Jeg er en grafisk designer med over 15 års erfaring inden for handelen har jeg arbejdet med næsten enhver software, du kan tænke på og forskellige printere fra hele verden jeg basere mit arbejde ud af Miami.